Do you ever just

Do you ever just see a picture, or post and realize that what the person is describing is exactly you? That the post was just confirmation to your thoughts. Like you just relate to the person, and you just realize that Jesus Christ loves you still ? Through it all, He will, and that you […]

I Love You

I guess what im trying to say is i love You .All these nights, sitting here, longing for You.Those summer days, spent inside, meditating . Praising your beautiful name, and You are.You are worthy, more worthy than anything.Rocks will bow down, the enemy is defeated at YOUR name. That one day… That glorious day.My life […]

The Magic Of A Moment

The funny thing about moments is that many people have the mindset that there are mainly happy moments, or sad moments. But that’s just the beginning. For example, there are suspenseful moments, moments where you aren’t sure if your pants are still clean, and even moments that are simply magical. Kind of like a baby […]